วิทิตนันท์ โรจนพานิช (หนึ่ง) คนไทยคนแรกที่สามารถขึ้นสู่ยอดเ ขาเอเวอร์เรสต์ได้สำเร็จ เมื่อวันที่ 22 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2551 เวลาประมาณ 08.00 น. ตามเวลาท้องถิ่นประเทศเนปาล
Last weekend, I had a chance to attend a great talk given by K.Nueng, the first Thai man to conquer Mount Everest. Honestly, I think he is a wonderful speaker and his talk was so engaging. The audiences were listening with great attention. He was telling the story how he finally could reach the mountain top. It was truly inspring for me. You will be amazed how much a man can do once he puts his mind into it and never gives up.
He summed up his experience into a very simple concept: 4Hs
1. Heart => First, you need to have a strong desire and set a clear goal of what you want to acheive.
2. Head => Then, you need to understand what it is that you are doing. Do your research. Learn as much as possible about what you are about to do.
3. Hand => Next, this is a very important step. You might have a great plan but if you don't start, nothing will happen. So take action NOW!!!!
4. Hope => Finally, never give up!!! Always have faith in yourself. Tell yourself 'You can do it' no matter how many times you have failed.
With these 4Hs, you can succeed in anything you want.
Good luck everyone!
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