decorate (v.) = ตกแต่ง, ประดับประดา
Ratchadamnoen Road has been decorated with lights which is part of celebration of HM the King's 82th birthday.
rehearsal (n.) = การฝึกซ้อม
commemorate (v.) = ฉลอง (เพื่อเป็นการระลึกถึง)
A rehearsal of parades along Ratchadamnoen Road which is organised to commemorate HM the King's 82th anniversary on Saturday.
Ratchadamnoen Road has been decorated with lights which is part of celebration of HM the King's 82th birthday.
rehearsal (n.) = การฝึกซ้อม
commemorate (v.) = ฉลอง (เพื่อเป็นการระลึกถึง)
A rehearsal of parades along Ratchadamnoen Road which is organised to commemorate HM the King's 82th anniversary on Saturday.